The Abuse?

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Should we have more moderators to help stop the abuse?

Total votes : 215

The Abuse?

by EdersonMoraes » Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:51 am

Many Times already i have been cyberbullied or abused in some way people just randomly taking out there anger out on people and sometimes me sometimes other people and i know poeple can relate to this topic like Hacker Lideri has been taking things to far out of my mental disorder bi-polar and has done more terrible things in the past just because he got jealous of a weird thing this evening i also got bullied by a guest calling me things like gay and other insults i have a video but a weird glitch wont allow me to attach it or something is stopping me but there is so much abuse and barely any moderators to handle it we barely ever see moderators around here i just hope someday it will be under control
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Re: The Abuse?

by alpha0987 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:38 pm

flames calls me noob gay and lesbian
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Re: The Abuse?

by IzhaaarAli » Mon Nov 07, 2022 6:38 am

alpha0987 wrote:flames calls me noob gay and lesbian

Grow up and ignore it. Don't expect to have someone banned for calling you "noob". You should check chats in other multiplayer games like CSGO.
Eat Healthy,Stay Home,Stay Safe~~
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Re: The Abuse?

by Traicionero » Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:21 pm

They blocked it from John Fredy for having a lot of gold and not having all the accessories. Buy it, unlock it for me and buy all of them, please, yes? It is the only thing that I ask of you, only those 2 accounts please, if you cannot tell me, I will tell tactics
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Re: The Abuse?

by Traicionero » Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:26 pm

Izhaaarali, how are you a MODELATOR? Tell me please, I would like to be, but I don't know how to communicate with the administrator, I should see if he helps me or is kind
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Re: The Abuse?

by Traicionero » Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:26 pm

Izhaaarali, how are you a MODELATOR? Tell me please, I would like to be, but I don't know how to communicate with the administrator, I should see if he helps me or is kind
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Re: The Abuse?

by Krack Gamer » Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:32 pm

Hi, I'm legen Danz, I know they'll say that I'm a child who doesn't know anything about a moderator, but I would like to be a moderator, almost, well, it's rare to see a moderator. I connect daily and it would help make the game more interesting for people. new or old a videogame without *hacks* without so much trick If you only saw my message and gave me the opportunity to show that I would be a good moderator, I would appreciate it
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Re: The Abuse?

by Isaac Pro » Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:11 pm

bro siempre dan el "buen ejemplo" pero enrrealidad son ellos los que insultan
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Re: The Abuse?

by Isaac Pro » Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:15 pm

hola como estan, es verdad deben actualizar los moderadores del chat por que nunca he entrado a una partida sin ver que 2 o tres sujetos se esten peleando por el chat y escribiendo groserias cada segundo. y tampoco falta el que al matarlo varias veces se molesta y te insulta por el chat.

y sin mencionar la forma de poner groserias dejando espacios en cada letra ejemplo: "H o l a". los mederadores no se dan cuenta que es una groseria y no lo censuran con asteriscos.

debemos tener en cuenta que hay gente sensible que se pueden sentir ofendidos por estos mensajes en el chat, no se cuantas veces me han insultado tanto en combate en linea como en combate recargado pero bueno. deemos recordar que somos una comunidad gamer y debemos respetarnos lo unos a los otros...
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Re: The Abuse?Abuse

by lovelyliz » Tue May 16, 2023 11:50 pm

I think that ppl should stop "Abusing" other ppl. I think that ppl having sex, and all that should stop doing it. I think they should go in a room and do it. They should not be doing it in the Lobby.
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