Combat Online Discord Server
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Combat Online Discord Server
If you were unaware; there is a Combat Online Discord Server that is available to all Combat Online players. This Discord server is active, with fun and exciting bots for everyone to use. Upon entry to the server we just ask that you tell the server who you are, this means telling us your ign (in game name) and in game level. Feel free to make any notes you want to share with others as well. The Discord server is used to plan 1v1's, other event games, as well as reports. We also use the server to report hackers or anyone breaking Combat Online's rules. We report directly to Izhaaar Ali who is also on the server as a server staff member. Those who are reported are usually banned within 2 hours (assuming the proper evidence is provided: screenshot proof). One of the aspirations of this server is to house many Combat Online players as possible as we feel it's the best place to chat. The rules on the server are fairly relaxed as we want every server member to have a fun time.
Enjoy the server and..
~ Happy Hunting ~

Enjoy the server and..
~ Happy Hunting ~

Have a nice day!
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